Below is the programme, together with the slides of the presentations, of the 2007 ECRYPT PhD Summer School Emerging Topics in Cryptographic Design and Cryptanalysis.
Sunday, April 29th |
20:00 |
Welcome Reception |
Monday, April 30th |
8:50-10:00 |
Generic Constructions for Iterated Hash Functions - Slides |
B. Preneel |
10:20-11:30 |
On the Design of Hash Functions - Slides |
L. Knudsen |
11:35-12:45 |
On the Design of Message Authentication Codes - Slides |
D.J. Bernstein |
Lunch |
14:50-16:00 |
On the Design of Multivariate Schemes - Slides |
O. Billet |
16:20-17:30 |
Differential cryptanalysis and its applications to multivariate cryptography - Slides I and Slides II |
J. Stern |
Tuesday, May 1st |
8:50-10:00 |
Feedback Shift Register Based Stream Ciphers - Slides |
T. Johansson |
10:20-11:30 |
Boolean Functions for cryptography - Slides |
A. Canteaut |
11:35-12:45 |
Stream Ciphers design: new trends |
C. De Cannière |
Lunch |
14:50-16:00 |
Introduction to Gröbner bases - Slides |
B. Buchberger |
16:20-17:30 |
Efficient computation of Gröbner bases (I) - Slides |
J.-C. Faugère |
Wednesday, May 2nd |
8:50-10:00 |
Stream Ciphers: Cryptanalytic Techniques - Slides |
T. Johanson |
10:20-11:30 |
Cryptanalysis of Hash Functions - Slides |
L. Knudsen |
11:35-12:45 |
Advanced Cryptanalysis of Hash Functions - Slides |
C. Rechberger |
Lunch (afternoon is free) |
20:00 |
Summer School Banquet |
Thursday, May 3rd |
8:50-10:00 |
Codes based One-way functions - Slides |
N. Sendrier |
10:20-11:30 |
Mathematical background of Pairings - Slides |
T. Lange |
11:35-12:45 |
Efficient implementation of Pairings - Slides |
M. Scott |
Lunch |
14:50-16:00 |
Efficient computation of Gröbner bases (II) - Slides |
J.-C. Faugère |
16:20-17:30 |
Gröbner bases in public key cryptography - Slides |
L. Perret |
Friday, May 4th |
8:50-10:00 |
Pairing-based Cryptography (I) - Slides |
K. Paterson |
10:20-11:30 |
Pairing-based Cryptography (II) - Slides |
B. Libert |
11:35-12:45 |
Student Presentations |
Lunch |
14:50-16:00 |
Algebraic Aspects of Symmetric-key Cryptography - Slides |
C. Cid |
16:20-17:30 |
Symmetric-key Cryptography - CPU Traps and Pitfalls - Slides |
D.J. Bernstein |