Following the great success of the ECRYPT PhD Summer School on Cryptanalysis in 2005, the Symmetric Techniques and Asymmetric Techniques Virtual Laboratories are pleased to announce a new joint Summer School on Emerging topics in Cryptographic Design and Cryptanalysis. Covering selected topics in both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, this summer school will provide a thorough overview of some of the most important cryptographic design and cryptanalysis techniques that have emerged in recent years. While the summer school is aimed primarily at postgraduate students, attendance is open to all.
The ECRYPT Summer School on Emerging Topics in Cryptographic Design and Cryptanalysis will take place at the Dorissa Seaside Resort, in Samos, Greece, from April 30th to May 4th, 2007.
The Summer School will cover the following topics :
Design and Cryptanalysis of Hash Functions
Design and Cryptanalysis of Stream Ciphers
Pairing-based Cryptography
Gröbner Bases techniques in Cryptography
List of speakers
A limited number of stipends will be available for students from non-ECRYPT institutions. Note that these stipends should only cover the registration fee. Please let us know before April 2nd if you are interested, by sending an email with a short CV and a few lines describing your motivations for attending the summer school to the summer school programme chairs.